Seven principles of a true holistic philosophy of science
In 2001 I have reformulated the “seven jewels” of wisdom into a more scientific form as seven postulates for the building of a holistic science.
(schematic), the postulates are:
Dynamical equilibrium,
which manifests as feedback-systems and the principle of
homeostasis. Also in moral sense as law of karma!
psychology, physiology, etc. Connected with ableness to be;
The principle of cyclic or spiral development. Ecology(seasons, population densities), psychology (mood swings, bio-rhythm), physiology (breathing, blood-circulation), etc. Coupled oscillations.
The principle of layered/stratified and phased development by emanation, absorption and secretion of substances. Hierarchical and heterarchical development. Physiology: hormone-system, neurophysiology. Anatomy: layers in skin; structure of organs (tissues); organ-systems in body. Spiritual: composite nature of each being. Physics: atoms (shells), molecules. Transformations occur “up” and “down” the hierarchy. Order and evolution.
All 'things' and beings have their unique archetypal, structural-vibrational pattern based upon which they develop, grow, manifest and die. Essence vs existence. Basis of identity, autonomy and freedom. Basis for inner (personality-Self) and outer resonance (influence of environment or milieu).
The process of gradual development of qualities latent within each being, which is the real meaning of the term "evolution." Phase transition from potential quality to manifestation of functional capability. Kingdoms of nature show jumps in qualities developed.
The principle of polarity that works in a threefold manner (integrated in the triad: regulative consciousness-principle, active energy-principle, receptive matter-principle) . Examples: psycho-somatic coupling; energy-matter coupling; male-female; attraction vs repulsion; antagonisms; mutuality; complementarity; particle-wave duality.
There is one field of consciousness-matter-energy from which emerges, through a process of division, secretion and emanation, rays or 'particles' of consciousness-energy-matter, called monads, that share in the properties of this field, but have their own characteristic pattern. This field is the basis for connectedness and interaction.
In the table following you can see that scientists have already discovered some natural principles that conform (as a subset) to these postulates.
Holistic-spiritual paradigm |
Reductionist paradigm, already shifting to second-order systems-theory |
Comment |
Law of dynamic equilibrium (from material to spiritual worlds) |
Systemic approach applicable to both paradigms |
of cycles (on all levels, from elements to historic
cycles). |
Cycles are accepted from a materialist point of view. From periodic revolutions of planets to bio-rythms.
Many cycles are measurable. Additionally, statistical approach yields estimates of duration of cycles |
Hierarchical structure of universe Embeddedness. Small systems mirror larger structures to some degree. |
Hierarchies are recognized to some extent. Groups, sets and subgroups/sets are known in math, physics, chemistry, etc. Also, consider cells, tissue, organs, organisms as hierarchies. |
Structure, function, order are terms acceptable to scientists. Applicable to individual entities as well as complete systems of beings or ‘things’ |
Unique characteristic of each being (subtle pattern of vibration, archetype) |
Ditto, to a certain extent: gene pattern, personality pattern. |
Applicable from genes to resonance phenomena and to larger systems of populations, stars, etc. Unique wavelength of mass-particles |
evolution. |
Very limited view (increase of complexity in Darwinian evolution) |
Considerable differences between esoteric point of view and scientific viewpoint. |
Duality is basis for manifestation. Domains of Fact and Value, irreducible to each other. John. G. Bennett's systematics |
Fragmented view. Matter is energy. Wave/particle duality. Boson-fermion interaction. |
Duality is recognized in the form of polarities (proton-electron, ions in cells, antagonisms (muscles), etc. |
in diversity. |
Intuited by great scientists |
From unified fields to the "Divine Mind" : Such unified fields are the effluxes from Divine Beings, according to the great philosophers of old |
agreement is present to a considerable degree on the material level
of existence. It has taken scientists centuries to arrive at the same
conclusions as the old sages and philosophers, but scientists now
must take a leap of faith to accept the holistic paradigm as more fit
to explain the nature of man and the universe.
See my previous
articles in this book for a fuller description of the esoteric
aspects of this subject-matter. The scientific form of these
postulates needs more study and development. If you want to
contribute to it, you can find me through my blog at Tripod. You can
comment on entries of my blog.
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